Wednesday, June 1, 2011


We have family and friends all over the country that always ask, “what’s new?”. How do we answer that?
We can tell you that last night we ate salad and lemon basil pasta. We can tell you that this past weekend we spent time with the newest member of Nick’s side of the family (George!). We can tell you we have a long but rewarding weekend coming up at HOBY (post to follow).
Or we can show you.
Pictures tell a thousand words, and we wanted to share our lives with friends and family through pictures that chronicle our lives together.
Now to the “organic” part: We are an organic family—Newlyweds building a family from the ground up. While we are blessed to have family and friends to guide and support us, we are choosing our own path in life (which just happens to include organic, local, and sustainable food J).
Our hope is that this blog will chronicle our growing family—no, there’s no pregnancy to report. But one day, our kids will look back and see what we started as we started our lives together as husband and wife in 2010. And for now, family and friends can enjoy the pictures we share as we live our lives as an organic family- the Organic Family Maddox.

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